Erin & Josh

August 3, 2024 • North Hollywood, CA

Erin & Josh

August 3, 2024 • North Hollywood, CA

Wedding Party

Paige Costigliolo
Paige Costigliolo - Maid of Honor
Erin literally begged this girl into existence. These sisters have done everything together. Most importantly, they scream Taylor Swift lyrics together without any clue of a key. If that’s not love, then what is? Paige is definitely on what you could call the unofficial board of advisors of Erin’s life. If you ever need thoughtful advice on anything, go to her and you won’t be disappointed. She also claims to know whatever Erin is thinking at literally any moment of the day. She’s actually really good; you can test her. The bottomline is that Paige is the best baby sister anyone could ask for. (Just don’t remind her that she’s a baby, because she doesn’t like that. Oops!)
Richard Sambasivam
Richard Sambasivam - Best Man
Josh’s brother five years his senior, Richard willed Josh into existence because he ran out of other toys to play with. It was with this exceeding amount of energy that Richard brought derpy and ridiculous humor into the Sambasivam household that Josh still shares today. That amount of humor was necessary in order to deal with the potentially record-breaking number of moves, initially being born in Missouri and now working in Washington, D.C. He also instilled a love of a wide variety of interests in Josh, including Star Wars and Weird Al to name a few. A true world traveler, he probably has you beat in terms of countries visited around the world.
Brooke Linaac
Brooke Linaac - Bridesmaid
While Brooke and Erin do not share any blood, they are ready-made cousins! (Shout out to Nick for picking the perfect girl!) Originally bonding over their love of cats, and more specifically, our beloved Frankie (aka Choccy Feet), these girls can talk about anything and everything. If you want to know anything about fashion, graphic design, the small business life, or even pigeons (just to name a few topics), Brooke is your go-to girl. She is always up-to-date on the latest news and trends, so Erin runs all her ideas by her. You will definitely be seeing a lot of Brooke’s magic touch at this wedding.
Humza Razvi
Humza Razvi - Groomsman
Humza and Josh have been friends since kindergarten, bonding over a shared love of casual gaming all the way up to being roommates in college playing Mario Party into the wee hours of the morning. His loyalty is unbreakable, evidenced by his willingness to remain on the emotional rollercoaster that is being a Lakers fan. Ambushing his house uninvited is one of their friend group’s favorite pastimes– shoutout to Rubab, Humza’s mom, for always providing enough food for an army. Josh and Erin treasure every nerdy moment of inordinately lively laughs that he brings to them.
Jeeyoung Yoon
Jeeyoung Yoon - Bridesmaid
Grad school is a harrowing experience, but gaining a best friend is a plus. During our first year, Jeeyoung was an amazing genius who put up with Erin’s million questions. If you ask her about anything she knows, she’ll say that she’s not the expert, but she’s lying so don’t believe her! When COVID hit, they kept studying together over Zoom just because they liked the company. Vaccinations finally let them hang out again, so Jeeyoung got to come over to the house and hang out more, and even get close to Erin’s friends and family! Jeeyoung moved to the US for grad school and they laugh about any cultural differences they discover. For example, Jeeyoung thought that Erin was weird just for inviting her over for the first time, but she accepts Erin with the American quirks and all.
Waylon Jones
Waylon Jones - Groomsman
Josh and Waylon were fated to become best bros, crossing paths many times before becoming the greatest of friends. Waylon was Josh’s idol– a very humble but talented guy who, at the time, was a professional League of Legends player. So professional in fact that he placed second in a tournament late the night before their AP Chemistry test, most of which he soundly slept through. Also deeply involved in the lore of the wedding, it was Waylon in his godlike status who convinced Josh to pay attention to Erin’s begging to go to homecoming together. After these times in high school, Waylon remained a positive presence and kept his title as game master by providing many board game ideas for game nights that have kept strong to this day.
Magen Delgado
Magen Delgado - Bridesmaid
Even though Magen was originally Paige’s best friend, Erin got a bonus baby sister from it! (Erin is pretty sure that Magen doesn’t mind being called a baby sister, because she claims to be the favorite child of the three girls.) Magen loves drama, so you can go to her if you need to hear some tea. She will always give you her candid opinions and has the knack of it always coming out nicely, or at least funnily. She’s also the best person to go to for a good chuckle, so everyone should strive for the chance to meet her.
Algird Szumlas
Algird Szumlas - Groomsman
Algird and Josh were bros since middle school, arguably the worst time to meet someone. His personality was so… unique that it off-put Josh and their other common friends (hereafter collectively referred to as "the bros") so much, culminating in an annoying being known as 2011 Algird. In spite of this, he grew out of this phase and into a very dependable, sincere guy. He was an incredible force for keeping the friend group together– birthday twins themselves, Algird and Josh would hold the greatest sleepover parties yearly with all the bros in attendance. Always a good time, always with pizza, but without cheese due to his dairy allergy; that last part allowed him to bond with Erin over vegan pizza and sweets over the years.
Ramila Etedali
Ramila Etedali - Bridesmaid
Erin and Ramila have known each other since second grade and have been besties since high school. In high school, they were attached at the hip. They overloaded their schedule with APs and therefore shared the stress, tears, and sleep deprived laughter of their high school years. Their late night AP US History study sessions will always hold a special place in their hearts. Most importantly, Ramila bore witness to the very beginning of Josh and Erin’s relationship. From the friendship, to the weird flirting, hand-holding stage, to the day when Erin finally made it official with Josh and rushed to tell Ramila. There is no one better to ask about the early days! We have all grown up together and still enjoy sharing the stress, tears, and sleep deprived laughter, but while adulting this time
Cameron Guadagnino
Cameron Guadagnino - Groomsman
Josh met Cameron early on in high school and have remained extremely close ever since. Cameron has a unique flair for the ridiculous that infects everyone around him; that fun energy has stayed with all of their friends. Their bromance held firm due to their strong love of not only each other, but also the video game series Super Smash Bros. Over the past decade, the two have attended so many tournaments together and shared innumerable hours of practice one-on-one. They can’t help themselves from sneaking off constantly during parties to get some extra games in. All this shows the depth of their relationship, which high-key makes Erin pretty jealous. But she’ll live.
Molly Billman
Molly Billman - Bridesmaid
As pre-school best friends, Erin and Molly have literally had the longest relationship of any one in the wedding party. (Yes, that includes Paige, because she was born when Erin was in kindergarten.) You will definitely be hearing a lot from Molly at this party, because you will be blessed to have her as the co-MC of the event. She is a professional singer and Erin is definitely taking this opportunity to shamelessly plug Molly’s band, Golly Miss Molly! They will be playing at the event, so watch out for some incredible talent. Molly is an amazing and outgoing force. You definitely want to have her in your corner, because she is insanely supportive and always makes life way more fun.
Evan Daly
Evan Daly - Groomsman
There are few people that are at the same time as kind-hearted and as genuine as Evan Daly. He'll always tell you what he thinks, no holds barred. It was his alter ego Erik Weekly that Josh met some years back playing Halo 3… not long enough back that most people were playing the 2007 blockbuster title, but still! Josh held his own as one of Evan’s only two good teammates in the game, and they bonded over the legendary franchise. Always dependable, Evan also is a music enthusiast whose recommendations are indispensable (with the occasional horrible opinion on Taylor Swift albums)! Look out for our specialty cocktails designed by his expert hand!